Friday, January 22, 2010


Things have been progressing at a decent clip as far as making initial contacts. It appears as though going directly through the SBC at this time may be a bit challenging. I am lacking some of their training requirements (Disaster Relief or DR Certification) which means I have to look at other channels.

I have completed the first stage of getting my passport. Now for a little more paperwork.

I was sick most of Wednesday and all day Thursday so that slowed me down a little.

Keep an eye on the blog for more info. If you have a Google account, or a Blogger account you can subscribe to this blog and you will receive an e-mail anytime there is a posting. If you are interesting in joining any future team(s) this would be the easiest way to keep up.

In the meantime, please continue to pray for Jim Akers, for the Living Water drilling teams, and for the rest of our brothers and sisters in the field in Haiti. There is much to be done for both body and soul.

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