1st Qtr Haiti update: March 2011
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is when you don't know where you will get your next meal for your family and you take in 4 orphans or widows because God told you to.
Where is your faith walk with God? Are you willing to take a step of faith when God says to GIVE, GOor DO? Are you willing to scarifice your time, money or yourself for others?
The Haitian christians walk by faith every moment of every day. Sometimes they don't know where there next meal will come from and they take orphans and widows and elderly in and feed them too. They DON'T have regular access to bibles, schooling, houses that don't leak or have floors, food, water etc. Some walk for miles to attend church and are very faithful.
Because you have been faithful to give over the past few years the christians of Bethlehem Baptist Church have been able to grow gardens, collect water, receive bibles and songbooks, start a goat and garden ministry, help young ladies learn a sewing trade, reach out and help young pregnant ladies, elderly, widows, orphans and the lost with the gospel; also send us to help disciple and evangelize. Many have come to Christ because you have given sacrificially.
Galatians 6:9 and 10 Let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity , let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Terry and I are going to Haiti the last of May for about 6 weeks. We believe God is sending us back for a longer stay to help the church with evangelisim and to do more needed discipling. Also while we are there we want to begin working on their church and school buildings. The shape they are in if we don't get them finished and/or repaired over the next couple of years, they will start to deteriorate.
We have scheduled a golf tournament for April 16th, noon to 4:00pm at the Meadowlake Country Club Golf Course in Clinton. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HAITI. If you know someone that likes to play, we need 18 teams of 4 per team for a 4 person scramble. Please help us get 18 teams or hole sponsors for each hole. We are setting the fee at $300 per team (which includes the cart and green fees) but if you come up with more awesome. You could ask for sponsors to help you raise your fees. The hole sponsor fee is $25 per hole or $400 to sponsor all 18. We will put a sign with your name or business name at each hole you sponsor. Please pray about giving sacrifically to help us raise $15,000 needed for our trip in May to:
*pay off the motorcycle
*begin work on the buildings
*expenses for the trip (while there will be discipling, evangelizing, equipping, helping share the sexual purity in schools because they school thru June, the pregnancy ministry, soccer evangelism, vacation bible school and whatever else God opens the door for)
Quote: "The Bible was not meant to fill our minds with a lot of biblical facts but to change lives."
For the glory of God
Terry and Carolyn
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