Sunday, May 11, 2014

Show Me Haiti! (FINALLY!!!)

In just under 90 days, I will be on an aircraft somewhere over the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea. Our destination is Mare Rouge/Bellevue, Haiti in the Northwest mountain region. Our purpose is to encourage and disciple local pastors in a remote region of the poorest country in the Western hemisphere.

We will be working with my friends Terry and Carolyn Routon who are fulltime missionaries to Haiti. They have been working with communities around Mare Rogue teaching the Gospel, providing basic education to local children, supplying material needs when they can, and equipping people towards economic self-reliance through teaching trades.

Some local congregations have been supportive of their work, but they have encountered a culture of exclusion in the Haitian church. Established Hatian congregations often seem uninterested in reaching out to their own people. Unfortunately, this extends to the relationship between pastors as well.

In Haiti, there are so-called “big pastors” who have some schooling, a little money, and prestige. Then, there are “little pastors”, who are not as well resourced, lack education, and often preach in buildings we would not store our lawn mowers in. These men are generally disregarded by the religious powers that be; this immediately brings to mind James 2, and his warnings against favoritism. Furthermore, I am reminded that in the Kingdom of God, the last will be first and the first will be last (see attachment).

These men and their wives are hungry for encouragement, and hungry for the Word. So, fellow pastor Greg Bunn and I will pour truth into these “little pastors” and their wives for five days. We will “love on them”, pray with them, and do all that we can to build them up and equip them to raise up leaders from their own congregations to send out into the harvest field.

We will depart August 14th, be in Mare Rouge a total of twelve days preaching and teaching, then head back home on August 26th. I am trusting God to provide for this mission in every respect.
Please join us in this journey by praying for the following:

       provision of financial resources
       traveling mercies (smooth and safe travel)
       wisdom on what to teach and preach
       opportunities to reach people with the Gospel
       good fruit from our labors

Please contact me using the information below if you have any questions.

Grace and Peace,
JP Williams
Luke 14: 12-24

You can reach me here:
PO Box 195
Archie, MO
816 430 5515

encouragement mission to local ministry families
August 14th – 26th


The encircled area is an approximation of where we will be spending our time. Mare Rogue/Bellevue

To the top, Terry Routon (hardly able to be seen behind interpreterJ) encourages some of the “little pastors” in the personal walk and their ministry. 

Below, Greg and I and the Routons. Please post this somewhere prominent in your home and remember to pray for us over the next few months, in particular August 14th - 26th.


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